Kinergy Movement Volunteer = Free Membership

Movement Positions & Responsibilities

Tribe Leader | “Chief” | 12 Positions Available (FULL, THANK YOU CHIEFS!)

·         A Chief is asked to have a great attitude and be a regular attendee at the Kinergy Center. Chiefs receive briefings so they are always current on activities, service projects, and how to access information in the center and on the web. 

·         A Chief is encouraging to and listens to the opinions of the Kinsmen and represents their tribe at a monthly meeting.

·         A Chief is responsible for communications with their tribe (we make this super easy with our app). Sometimes it’s to ask for a volunteer to represent the tribe in a Table Tennis Tournament, and other times it may be encouraging words for those who are down or have not been attending lately.


Nursery Duty and/or Open Youth Supervisor | “Supervisor” | 6+ Positions Available

·         A Supervisor is asked to have a great attitude and be a regular attendee at the Kinergy Center. Supervisors receive briefings so they are always current on activities, service projects, and how to access information in the center and on the web. 

·         A Supervisor oversees the youth activities such as Child Care (Nursery, ages TBD) and Homework Stations/Open Gym.

·         6 Hours (2 shifts of 3 hours each) per month. For example, Open Youth is on Monday and Wednesday from 3 PM to 6 PM. There are approximately eight of these shifts per month. You would be responsible to serve two of them each month. 

·         Open Youth is where children 10+ can use the facility for homework, movies, video games, open gym (no fitness equipment), and hang out during designated days/times. Please check the schedule for official times and needs.

·         Subject to background checks.


Charity Recruiter | Donations

  • We’re looking for a few individuals who can help us continue to maintain the high-quality programs we want to provide to our local community and others across the world! We need donations and contributions and need your help recruiting individuals and organizations to donate to our ministry!

  • A few hours a month.


Grounds Crew | “Rock Star” | 2-4 Positions Available

·         A Rock Star does not have set hours. The Rock Star position is a humble, behind-the-scenes position, that makes everyone’s experience better. The Rock Star shovels or plows snow, salts sidewalks, blows, and rakes leaves, and picks up trash around the facility.  

·         The Rock Star works with a team of other Rock Stars and uses the equipment of the Kinergy Center and/or their own to make sure the grounds are always attended to.


Kin Communications | “Ambassador” | 2-4 Positions Available

·         The Ambassadors are made up of a small team of administrators and communicators. They assist tribe leaders by providing information. They update schedules and marketing material around the center and spread the word in the community.

·         An Ambassador is asked to have a great attitude and be a regular attendee at the Kinergy Center. Ambassadors receive briefings so they are always current on activities, service projects, and how to access information in the center and on the web. 

·         Ambassadors have great communication skills, great attitudes, and are savvy with computers and media.


Bible Study Teacher | “Faculty” | Up to 12 Positions Available

·         The Faculty position is available for 1 free month of membership for providing an open adult Bible Study.  Individuals with experience in Bible Studies are encouraged to volunteer to teach in a number of ways.

o   Example 1:  Pick a day of the week and lead a 40-minute Bible Study in the Media Room, Social Hall, or other location in the building 3x in a month.  

o   Example 2:  Lead a sermon/message on camera for our upcoming 40-Day Fit camp or Sunday night worship Experience.

·         The Faculty position is held to high standards and must provide sound Biblical Information.  Topics are unlimited; however, all subjects must be approved by Leadership prior to opening up the class in our schedule.


Communion Prep | “Union Rep” | 4+ Positions Available

·         A Union Rep is responsible for preparing the “Community Union” each week. Community Union is our name for Communion, Lord’s Supper, Last Supper, Eucharist, etc. There are many names for this Holy event we will host each week. We take this very seriously and need Union Reps to help make this experience impactful for the KIN community.

·         Union Reps prepare the communion and que the message in the Media Theater each Thursday.  Union Reps do not have a set number of service hours, they work with a team of Union Reps and make it happen.

·         Union Reps also work with other teams at Kinergy and create seasonal themes based on the schedule at Kinergy.


Technology Team | “Techno Team” | 4+ Positions Available

·         The Kinergy Team has a lot of technology components. The Techno team is responsible for a variety of tasks such as maximizing Wi-Fi, digital communications, monitors, video editing, filming, apps, website, and more.

·         A Tech Rep has experience in one or more of the following areas and will work with the Tech Team to optimize the KIN technological experience.


Elder | “Shepherd” | 4+ Positions Available

·         Shepherds at Kinergy are responsible for overseeing four Tribe Chiefs and the overall direction of the ministry. There are a total of 12 Tribe Chiefs and 4 Shepherds that oversee 4 Tribes/Chiefs each. A Shepherd is responsible for assisting, counseling, encouraging, and tending to the needs of their appointed Chiefs.

·         Shepherds are responsible for one Shepherd meeting a month and also attendance is recommended at all monthly Chief Meetings.


Intramural Sports | “Sports Crew” | 4+ Positions Available

·         Sports Crew Members at Kinergy are responsible for overseeing the sporting activities such as Pickle Ball, Basketball, Table Tennis, and other activities.

·         Sports Crew will set up and take down the nets, and lines, and be involved in tournaments.