All guests must register at the front desk and complete a waiver (during staffed hours only) before participating in physical activity at the Kinergy Center.

Guests are strictly prohibited during non-staffed hours. Bringing someone, multiple people, or entering as a guest without purchasing at least a day pass ($10/day after your free trial) during these hours is considered theft. Membership at Kinergy is a donation to our ministry, and unauthorized use of the facility is equivalent to taking from a donation box.

Using the gym's services without paying undermines our mission and community. Please respect this policy to maintain the integrity of Kinergy.

Thank you,
The Kinergy Team

Guests aged 13-15 must be accompanied by an adult. Individuals 16 years and older are welcome to exercise without adult supervision, but parental or guardian consent is required.

Please note, again, that no guests are permitted during unstaffed hours. Members may bring a guest for a complimentary workout during staffed hours, but all guests must check in at the front desk to complete a waiver.

While it is not our desire to terminate memberships, for the safety and security of our members, we must strictly enforce our building access rules. Violations of these policies, particularly regarding guest access during unstaffed hours, will result in serious consequences.

Staffed Hours
Monday through Thursday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Kinergy Lifestyle Center
2250 Oak Street
Wyandotte, MI 48192 | |